Little girl. High heels. Big world.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I’ve been the worst blogger ever! I must ask my readers, few as you are, to forgive me once again!
To state the obvious, it’s January: the time for new beginnings. I have decided that 2010 is my year. It is time to finally do ALL the stuff I’ve been meaning to do.

I am a walking contradiction. I can organize an event for 500 people, I can hold my own in just about any debate, and I can sell just about anything or anyone. When it comes to taking care of and organizing ME, I fail miserably.

I don’t pretend to know the root of this problem but I know I can do something about it. Not to sound cliché, but I have decided to do at least one uncomfortable, terrifying, or intimidating thing every week this year.

It’s January 18th and here’s my 2010 thus far:

• I’m MOVING in two weeks!!! I never thought I’d give up my wonderfully warm, birds-nest of an apartment unless I actually bought my dream house. Apparently, I was wrong! This perfect cottage rental fell into my lap about a month ago. It is much larger than my current abode, so I decided to get a roommate. This is scary as I’ve lived alone for 2 years! She is a dear friend though and I think that we will be a good fit. From here on out, I will refer to my roommate as EG or Evil Genius. She’s actually not evil at all, but incredibly clever. Oh, and I should mention that our house has a lake view from every window. I love lake views. This is a poor quality photo but here's a preview (and EG).

• I responded to an e-mail written by a person who has deeply offended me in an attempt to make peace.

• I wrote my dear, 18-year-old niece a letter telling her she’s beautiful and gave her 5 things to remember if she ever doubts it again.

• I resigned from my position with a non-profit I’ve volunteered with for the past 4 years. Again, I’m terrible at dealing with conflict when it comes to ME. But there were many problems and it was no longer a good place for me to be.

• I took the first step in starting a series of salon style art shows.

• I stood up to my boss.

• I worked hard on a certain project at work and saw a HUGE rewarding payoff.

• I made a decision that I’ve struggled with for the last year. I am a Christian and have been very unhappy in my current place of worship. It is a long and very involved story, but I was raised that you don’t leave a church just because you aren’t happy. There has to be a REAL reason to move on. After some advice from a dear friend’s mom, I made the decision earlier yesterday to start attending a different church. I can’t even describe the relief I feel!

What’s ahead?

• Pay down my credit cards and negotiate back down to the interest rates I had BEFORE the economy crashed.

• Save more money.

• Make a decision on some investments that have been pending for quite some time.

• Research and possibly join the DAR. I have confirmation that I am eligible, but would need to track down the family Bible. Does anyone know anything about DAR chapters in the south (especially Florida)? Any advice on becoming a member? How will this benefit me in the long run and what opportunities will there be for me to give back?

• Research PR Masters Programs.

• Fill out an application to be on The Bachelor or Bachelorette. DISCLAIMER—I am happily single and I think that the “I JUST WANT TO FIND TRUE LOVE” statements on the show are RIDICULOUS. I think it would be SO fun and endlessly entertaining to be on the show or at least apply. What can I say, I get bored easily. ;-)

• Be a better employee.

• New culinary accomplishments. I was making éclairs at age 11, so I can only go up from here!

• Ok and yes, you’ve been waiting for it!! I WILL make more regular posts on this blog. Or else!

Ciao for now.


1 comment:

  1. love you and can't wait to see all that unfolds and comes to fruition for you this year!

